Category Archives: Catastrophic Injury

The Difference Between A Catastrophic Injury Claim And A Standard Personal Injury Case
Most accident-related injuries, while painful and at least temporarily disabling to some degree, do heal after a period of treatment and rest. Those who sustain these kinds of injuries should, of course, be compensated accordingly for their medical bills and lost wages, which will hopefully allow them to eventually return to a normal life…. Read More »

Catastrophic Injury Claims
When thinking about personal injury claims, many people assume that the more severe an injury is, the easier it will be to recover compensation, especially if someone was clearly at fault for an accident. Unfortunately, the reality is that when it comes to catastrophic injuries, obtaining full and fair compensation for accident-related medical bills… Read More »

Florida Numbered Amongst Top Ten States with Most Railroad Crossing Fatalities
Although trains are perhaps not the first vehicle that comes to mind when we hear the word crash, a recent publication issued by the Federal Railroad Administration reveals that railroad accidents should be a legitimate concern for U.S. residents. This is especially true for those who work, travel, or live in Florida, which was… Read More »

Recovering Damages for Mental Anguish
Suffering a physical injury as a result of someone else’s negligence can have lasting consequences for victims, who may be forced to take time off from work, pay expensive medical bills, and grapple with chronic pain. Unfortunately, these are not the only types of injuries from which accident victims may sustain, as those who… Read More »

When is an Injury Considered Catastrophic?
Even injuries that seem relatively minor can have a significant impact on a person’s life. For instance, a broken bone can cause pain for weeks or even months after an accident, while also leaving the injured party unable to perform certain daily tasks or fulfill his or her job duties. Catastrophic injuries, however, tend… Read More »