Category Archives: Dog Bites

Do Beware of Dog Signs Relieve Owners of Liability?
Most of us have walked or driven by homes with Beware of Dog signs displayed prominently on gates and fences. Many dog owners mistakenly believe that taking this step is enough to keep them from being held liable in the event that their dog eventually bites someone. The reality is that under Florida law,… Read More »

What Could Lower My Dog Bite Injury Award?
Dog bites can cause serious injuries, many of which result in permanent damage, scarring, and even disfigurement, so it is unsurprising that dog bite laws in Florida tend to focus primarily on victims’ rights. That does not mean, however, that dog bite injury awards are as cut and dried as many people imagine. There… Read More »

What to do if You’ve Been Bitten by a Dog
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year in the U.S. Unfortunately, many of these bites prove to be not only painful, but also dangerous for victims, as one in five of those who are bitten by dogs require medical attention of… Read More »

Dog Bites and the Risk of Infection
Dog bite injuries tend to be severe, resulting in damage to the muscles, ligaments, and nerves, as well as significant pain and potential disfigurement. Some of the most serious complications faced by dog bite victims, however, involve infection. Treating infections can be a complicated and expensive process, so if you were recently bitten by… Read More »

Florida Dog Bite Claims
Whether they belong to us or to a neighbor or friend, many of us interact with pets on a daily basis. For the most part, these interactions are positive, it is however, important to remember that while dogs may be man’s best friend in most cases, animals can and do pose a risk to… Read More »

Collecting Pain and Suffering Damages for a Dog Bite
In Florida, courts award two basic types of damages to personal injury victims: compensatory damages and punitive damages. While the former refers to damages that compensate victims for the actual cost of their medical bills, lost wages, and in some cases, pain and suffering, punitive damages are awarded merely to punish the at-fault party…. Read More »

Florida’s Strict Liability Dog Bite Law
When a person is injured in Florida as a result of someone else’s carelessness, he or she is often able to recover damages by filing a personal injury case under the legal theory of negligence. This in turn, requires plaintiffs to prove that the defendant owed them a duty of care, that they violated… Read More »

Dog Bite Liability in Florida
While animal attacks may not seem to occur that often, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually estimates that as many as 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year. These statistics are alarming, as dog bites come with a series of specific dangers, including disease and infection, the treatment of… Read More »

Are Landlords Liable for Dog Bites Sustained on Their Property?
In Florida, dog owners whose animals attack another person are held strictly liable for resulting injuries. This means that even if a dog has never bitten anyone before, or shown any signs of aggression, its owner will be required to compensate injured parties for medical expenses and lost wages related to the incident. However,… Read More »

Dog Bite Complications
Being bitten by a dog can be an extremely emotionally traumatic experience, especially for children. However, dog bites can also be dangerous and have serious medical complications. Fortunately, Florida law allows dog bite victims to collect compensation to cover the cost of treatment. Typical Dog Bite Injuries Every year, thousands of people are bitten… Read More »