Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney

Liability for Teenaged Drivers
We all know that teenagers are notorious for making rash and illogical decisions. While in most cases, this is merely annoying for parents, it can have devastating consequences when the teen in question is a driver. Summer break is officially over, so many Florida teens are back on the road, traveling to and from… Read More »

Negligent Auto Repair
Auto repair shops must abide by certain industry-wide standards when they repair vehicles. While many mechanics are careful to comply with these rules and make careful repairs, others do not, and the results can be devastating. Fortunately, car owners who are injured because their vehicles were negligently repaired can recover damages from the at-fault… Read More »

Single-Vehicle Accidents
We’ve all driven by accident scenes where someone lost control of his or her vehicle and collided with a light post, median, or other object. In general, we assume that these types of accidents, which only involve a single vehicle, are purely the fault of the driver. While this is true in many cases,… Read More »

PIP Law Reexamined by Florida Legislature
A recently introduced statute that would repeal Florida’s longstanding no-fault insurance system has cleared another legislative hurdle, as the House’s version of the bill was recently approved and sent to the Senate. However, both the House and the Senate are sponsoring two different versions of the bill, which could complicate the issue, as the… Read More »

Construction Zone Accidents
Although we’ve all seen car accidents on the freeway, we are often left with no explanation as to their causes. Surprisingly, many of these accidents involve or occur in work zones. In fact, the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) announced that an estimated 96,626 car accidents take place in work zones every year. These collisions… Read More »

Who is Presumed to be Negligent in a Rear-End Car Crash?
Rear-end accidents are a common sight in Florida and across the nation. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that rear-end collisions make up as many as one-third of all car accidents. Although many of these types of car crashes occur at low speeds and cause little damage, they still result… Read More »

Construction Zone Accidents
Although a number of states have taken steps to help prevent construction zone accidents, an alarming number still occur on regular basis. In fact, the Federal Highway Administration estimates that approximately 96,626 work zone crashes took place in 2015 alone. Many of these accidents occurred in Florida, where road construction is not uncommon, especially… Read More »

The Going and Coming Rule
Under the legal theory of respondeat superior, employers can be held vicariously liable for the negligent or reckless actions of their employees. This issue is raised most often when an employee injures someone else while driving to or from work. Whether or not an employer can be held liable in these situations depends on… Read More »

Can Someone be Held Liable for Serving Alcohol at a Party?
The short answer to this question is yes, but only in certain situations. This issue crops up most often when a guest at a party becomes intoxicated and then drives home, causing an accident. Social hosts can be held both criminally and civilly liable in cases where the driver was a minor, so if… Read More »

Multi-Car Pile-Ups
How severely a person is injured in a car crash depends on a series of factors, such as the speed at which the car was traveling prior to impact. However, there are certain types of car accidents, including multi-car pile-ups, that are notorious for resulting in particularly serious injuries. Treating accident-related injuries can quickly… Read More »