Short-Term Car Accident Injuries

If you were recently involved in a fender bender or a side swipe accident, you may be facing an uphill battle when attempting to recover compensation from your insurer, especially if they are claiming that you suffered a short-term injury. The word “short-term injury” is a bit of a misnomer because the severity of an injury is largely dictated by the health and age of the victim. An injury that might not be very serious for a young adult, for instance, could be devastating for an older person with a pre-existing condition.
Whether your injuries have been labeled short-term or have been deemed more serious, you should be compensated for your medical bills and lost wages. To learn more the ins and outs of negotiating with your own insurers, or filing a civil lawsuit against the at-fault driver who caused your accident, please reach out to our experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyers today.
Short-Term Injuries Can Still be Impactful
As we mentioned previously, one of the biggest problems with labeling an injury as short-term is that it doesn’t take a victim’s specific circumstances into account. A soft tissue injury, mild fracture, or other minor injury, for example, can still be debilitating, making it difficult to go to work or take part in day-to-day activities. This is doubly true for those with pre-existing conditions, who are in poor health, or who undergo unexpected complications down the line.
The Diagnosis May be Premature
Another issue with labelling an injury as short-term in nature, is that these diagnoses are often premature. Soft tissue injuries and back injuries, for example, are difficult to diagnose early, especially after car accidents, when adrenaline may be masking significant symptoms. It may be many hours or even days before a person starts experiencing symptoms. In other cases, an injury may develop gradually, or worsen suddenly at a later date. This can place accident victims in a tough spot, especially if their insurers initially labeled their injury as minor, or short-term.
Recovering for a Short-Term Injury
Recovery after a short-term injury is possible, although it can be more difficult if an insurer unfairly categorizes an injury as non-severe. To improve your own chances of full recovery, consider taking the following steps:
- Seek medical attention as soon as possible after the crash from a medical professional who can determine whether an injury is actually minor;
- Keep written records of the injury, including a list of diagnosis and treatment-related expenses; and
- Reach out to an attorney who can help establish the true value of the injured party’s accident claim.
Legal Advice for Those in Need
At Boone & Davis, we want all of our clients to get the care and support they need, which often requires filing a claim for compensation with the at-fault party or an insurer. If you have been injured in a collision, talk to our dedicated car accident legal team about your options by calling our office at 954-566-9919.