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Delayed Concussion Symptoms


As the name suggests, delayed concussion symptoms don’t manifest immediately after a head trauma, but could take days or even a few weeks to show up. Unfortunately, these symptoms often affect higher brain functions, like cognition, emotions, and memory and could be indicative of a serious and potentially permanent brain injury. If you or a loved suffered from delayed concussion symptoms or sustained another type of head injury in a car crash or other accident, you could be facing significant medical bills, painful treatments, and even permanent disability. For help seeking compensation from the person who caused your own head injury, please reach out to one of our dedicated Fort Lauderdale traumatic brain injury lawyers today.

How Concussions Happen

The brain sits inside a viscous fluid known as cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF. This substance surrounds and cushions the brain, keeping it from striking the inside of the skull. While CSF is effective in preventing brain injuries in many cases, it is not always successful, especially when the head accelerates or decelerates quickly. In these situations, a buildup of pressure in the brain can damage or rupture brain cells and blood vessels, resulting in concussion symptoms. Other symptoms can accompany inflammation in the brain, as new cells and blood pump into the damaged area. The widespread nature of this type of inflammation can produce symptoms that are unpredictable in their nature, onset, and duration. They do, however, often include headaches, dizziness, a loss of consciousness, blurred vision, and a ringing in the ears.

What are the Symptoms of a Delayed Concussion?

The symptoms of a concussion don’t always appear immediately. This is in large part due to the fact that inflammation can take time to develop, so a brain that has suffered a trauma can continue to swell even after an initial assessment has been conducted. Swelling in the skull can put excessive pressure on the brain, which in turn, can disrupt nerve signals and constrict blood vessels, depriving certain areas of oxygen. Eventually, however, a person will begin to experience certain symptoms, which tend to be more severe than those that accompany typical concussions. These symptoms include:

  • Memory loss;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Emotional outbursts or aggression;
  • Slurred speech;
  • Difficulty concentrating; and
  • Seizures.

These symptoms, which are often the result of inflammatory response, can have far-reaching consequences for accident victims and could even indicate an additional brain injury. Obtaining treatment as soon as a person experiences these kinds of symptoms is important, as it can help prevent permanent damage and can also create a record of the injury that could prove necessary in the event of a lawsuit or legal claim.

Contact Our Experienced Florida Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

To speak with a dedicated Florida attorney about your own accident-related brain injury and your legal options going forward, please contact Boone & Davis today. You can set up a free consultation with a member of our legal team by calling our office at 954-566-9919 or by sending us an online message.

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