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Higher Risk Of Parking Lot Injuries During The Holidays


Thanksgiving and Black Friday are just the start of the busiest retail season of the year. While many of us will benefit from the boost in the economy and enjoy the excitement that comes along with the holiday season, the hectic pace can also come with an increased risk of traffic accidents, especially in parking lots.

Parking lot accidents often occur at relatively low speeds, meaning that the property damage is usually minor. Many of these collisions, however, involve pedestrians, which can be serious, even when they occur at low speeds. Fortunately, it is possible for injured parties to recoup their losses from the at-fault drivers who cause their accidents, so if you were hurt in a parking lot crash, you should think about reaching out to an experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer who can walk you through your legal options.

Types of Parking Lot Accidents

As more people flock to shop at grocery stores and other retail establishments, parking lots naturally get fuller, which means that motorists and pedestrians are more likely to be involved in a crash. These kinds of accidents usually fall under one of a few different categories, including:

  • T-bone accidents, which can occur if someone backs out of a parking lot, but fails to check for an oncoming vehicle;
  • Rear-end accidents, which can occur if two vehicles back out at the same time, but are more likely to involve a single motorist, who failed to check for a pedestrian before reversing;
  • A motorist-pedestrian crash, which often occur because of a driver’s failure to stop at a crosswalk;
  • Sideswipe accidents, which occur when one driver scrapes alongside of another car, usually in an attempt to squeeze into a compact parking space; and
  • Delivery truck accidents, which can involve either motorists or pedestrians.

The type of parking lot accident in which a person is involved will largely dictate the kinds of injuries that the victims face. Sideswipe accidents, for instance, especially when they occur in parking lots, rarely result in physical injuries, but do tend to cause a lot of property damage. Collisions between motorists and pedestrians, on the other hand, even when they occur at low parking lot speeds, could end up causing significant injuries for the pedestrian, including broken bones, traumatic brain injury, lacerations, and internal injuries.

Preventing Parking Lot Injuries

Unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to avoid being injured in a parking lot accident. There are steps, however, that we can take to reduce our chances of being injured in this kind of collision during the holidays, including:

  • Online shopping or pre-ordering items to reduce congestion in parking lots;
  • Putting away distractions when driving or walking in parking lots;
  • Parking further away from congested areas in the lot;
  • Walking in pedestrian-designated areas;
  • Making eye contact with motorists when walking to and from one’s vehicle; and
  • Shopping at less busy times (i.e. during the weekdays).

If, despite your best efforts, you were injured in a parking lot crash, please reach out to our legal team to learn more about seeking compensation for your losses.

Were You Injured in a Parking Lot Accident?

To speak with an experienced Florida car accident lawyer about the specifics of your own collision, please call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 today.



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