What Worsening Traffic Means for Fort Lauderdale

If you spend any time on the road in Fort Lauderdale, you are probably only all too aware that satisfaction with the traffic flow in the city is at an all-time low, an opinion that has been confirmed by a recent ETC Institute study. Read on for a brief rundown on the increasing traffic congestion in Fort Lauderdale and how to safely navigate our coastal city.
How Bad is Fort Lauderdale’s Traffic?
Fort Lauderdale is located in Broward County, which is home to some of the most deadly road segments in the state. Unfortunately, Fort Lauderdale often sees the worst of the county’s traffic issues and, as a result, the most serious accidents. Frustration with this poor traffic flow has increased as well, with overall satisfaction with traffic flow among motorists dropping from almost 40 percent of 15 percent in a span of just six years.
Why is Traffic in Fort Lauderdale So Bad?
There are a lot of different factors that affect traffic congestion in Fort Lauderdale, including:
- The county’s population, which is the second most populous in the state and home to almost two million residents;
- Roadway infrastructure, with three major checkpoints of particular concern located at Interstate 95, Interstate 75, and Interstate 595; and
- Motorist driving habits, with the average driver in Fort Lauderdale spending as many as four hours on the city’s roads driving to and from work every day.
These problems, an increasing population, a roadway infrastructure that can’t cope with more traffic (i.e. poorly timed traffic signals, poor street maintenance, and a lack of roadway improvements), and longer commute times all explain why there is so much congestion on Fort Lauderdale’s roads.
Navigating Fort Lauderdale’s Congested Roadways
Despite Fort Lauderdale’s growing traffic flow problems, it is possible to navigate the city without getting stuck on the road for hours by:
- Avoiding rush hour, which, in Fort Lauderdale starts around 6:00 a.m. and ending around 10:00 a.m. and resuming against between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m.;
- Taking back streets (and avoiding major highways and interchanges) to reach your destination;
- Using traffic applications, which provide minute-by-minute updates on traffic conditions from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); and
- Staying focused, with distraction a leading cause of car accidents in congested traffic conditions.
Unfortunately, even those who use the greatest care to avoid traffic could end up involved in a congestion-related accident. If this happens to you, consider reaching out to an attorney for help filing a claim against the at-fault party who caused your crash.
Call Experienced Auto Accident Attorney
To speak with an experienced Florida car accident lawyer about your own Fort Lauderdale crash, please call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 today. You can also set up a free consultation with a member of our legal team by sending us an online message. We offer initial consultations free of charge, so don’t hesitate to reach out to our office by phone or online message at your earliest convenience.