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What To Do If You Get Into A Fender Bender


Even a car accident that you consider a “fender bender,” or one that occurred at relatively low speeds, could still end up causing a surprising amount of damage to your vehicle. That’s why it’s important for Florida motorists to have a good idea of what to do if they are involved in this type of accident, especially if they’ve never been involved in a car crash before.

Accident victims often face more difficulty when collecting compensation for fender benders than they do for major collisions, as insurers may be less willing to cover any damages for a collision deemed minor. Having an experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer on your side can make all the difference in the success or failure of this type of claim, so if you have questions about who is responsible for the damage sustained by your own car in a fender bender, don’t hesitate to reach out to our legal team for help.

Take Note of Your Injuries

Just because a collision occurs at low speeds and with relatively low impact does not mean that a person will escape the accident with no injuries. Neck and back injuries can, for instance, show up after a fender bender. It’s important to take these injuries seriously and to seek medical care if there is any evidence of pain after a collision. The resulting documentation could play a key role in proving damages at a later date.

Call the Police

Technically, Florida motorists are only required to report car accidents if there is an injury, or at least $500 in property damage. It’s still a good idea, however, to report these accidents, even if it seems that these two requirements haven’t been met, as a police report can add to the documentation that a person needs when seeking compensation from an insurer.

Gather Information and Photos

Even a minor car accident can result in significant property damage, so it’s important to treat these kinds of crashes like any other collision when it comes to gathering information and taking photos. Take note of specific details, like road conditions and distracted drivers and snap some photos of the resting position of the vehicles, as well as any damage that they sustained. Insurance companies are notorious for doing everything they can to minimize settlements, so it’s better to be prepared by presenting an insurer with as much proof as possible after a crash.

Consult with a Florida Car Accident Lawyer

Filing a claim with an insurance company after a car accident can end up being a complicated process. To ensure that you don’t miss out on any compensation, consider consulting with an experienced car accident lawyer. At Boone & Davis, our dedicated auto accident attorneys have decades of experience handling insurance claims and are well-versed in  the types of tactics used by unscrupulous insurers to deny claimants. You can set up a free consultation with a member of our legal team by calling our office at 954-566-9919 or by completing one of our online contact forms.



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