Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Dog Bite Injury Attorneys

Collecting Pain and Suffering Damages for a Dog Bite
In Florida, courts award two basic types of damages to personal injury victims: compensatory damages and punitive damages. While the former refers to damages that compensate victims for the actual cost of their medical bills, lost wages, and in some cases, pain and suffering, punitive damages are awarded merely to punish the at-fault party…. Read More »
Dangerous Dogs Kill Neighbor’s Pets
Dog owners in central Florida have lost two of their family pets as a result of an attack by a neighbor’s dangerous dogs. According to reports, the owner of the two dogs that were killed came home to find both of his pets dead; one was found in the backyard, and the other was… Read More »
Postal Worker Suffers Dog Bite
A recent workday was anything but routine for a Miami postal worker who was the victim of a dog bite during her delivery route. According to the reports, the postal worker approached the front door of the dog owner’s house and the dog ran through a gate and bit the worker. Several onlookers tried… Read More »