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Dangers Of Smoking – In All Forms


The dangers associated with smoking are well documented, but e-cigarettes come with their own set of dangers, as one man learned during a recent incident that occurred while vaping. When the man took a puff on his e-cigarette while getting ready to go to work, the vape exploded on him and caused extensive burns to his neck and face and also cost him nine of his teeth. In what was certain to be painful surgery, doctors removed pieces of the e-cigarette, which were embedded in the man’s mouth, throat, and lips. The man’s recovery from this accident will take some time and patience; as a result of his experience, he has made efforts to make others aware of the dangers associated with this activity.

Product Safety

The man injured in this incident was fortunate; others in similar situations are often not as fortunate and some suffer far worse fates as a result of issues concerning product safety. Though there was no indication that this was a situation in which product liability is at issue, it does bring to mind the concerns consumers may face about the safety of the products they purchase for their own personal use. What happens when you purchase a product, use it as instructed, and it causes injury?

Product Liability In Florida

When you, as a consumer, are injured as a result of using a product you purchased, you may have a case against one or more companies or entities including the product manufacturer or seller of the merchandise. Product liability is a civil action based on a theory for damages, in which the damages are caused by the manufacture, design, or marketing of a product, among others, and in which the injuries would not have been incurred if it were not for the defective nature of the product. Florida law addresses product liability in Code Section 768.81 and states that when a claimant alleges they have been injured in an accident and that the injuries were caused by a defective product, the fault of everyone who contributed to the accident must be considered when determining fault.

The Many Aspects Of  A Product Liability Case

Product liability cases often involve a wide array of involve legal concepts associated with personal injury such as the assessment of liability for an accident or damages resulting from it and even wrongful death in the more extreme cases. Because of the complexity of these types of cases, it is important to speak with an attorney who is experienced in a wide range of personal injury matters to ensure your case is carefully considered from all angles.

Reach Out to Us for Help Today

When you or a loved one has been injured in an accident in which product liability is an issue, you need to make sure that you get the information you need and the answers you seek. The legal professionals at Boone & Davis are here to help. Regardless of what issues may be present in your personal injury matter, you can rest assured that the Fort Lauderdale attorneys at Boone & Davis have helped a client with a similar case to get the results they deserved. At our office, we are ready to help you achieve the same results. Do not wait to get started – allow us to help you understand your rights and responsibilities today. Contact Boone & Davis either online or by calling 954.556.5260 to schedule your consultation at no charge or obligation.




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