Car Safety Is Simpler Than You Think

When your revenge bedtime procrastination gets especially bad, it is easy to find listicles about vehicle features that were once found in cars sold commercially but, in retrospect, were scarily dangerous. You can also find entire YouTube channels dedicated entirely to new automotive technologies that promise to be even better than their predecessors at saving drivers from themselves, and others about product liability lawsuits, some of which universally assume the best about the plaintiffs in such lawsuits and others of which assume the worst. Despite all this, the root cause of most car accidents is driver errors, not vehicle defects. The condition of your vehicle can affect the severity of your injuries in the event of a collision, and this can affect the amount in damages that you can recover in an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. In fact, the vehicle features that most effectively prevent serious injury in the event of a car accident are the simplest ones, the ones you take for granted. To find out how much money you can reasonably request in a car accident claim, contact a Fort Lauderdale auto accident attorney.
Airbags Keep You Safe, but Seatbelts Are Even Better
Your car has numerous airbags, and so do most of the cars on the road; this should come as a relief. The airbags inflate if there is a sudden impact, putting space between the occupants of the car and the hard structures of the vehicle. Airbags are designed and positioned with the assumption that the driver and passengers are wearing seatbelts. An airbag alone will not prevent you from being ejected from the vehicle, but a seatbelt will. The outcomes for drivers and passengers with seatbelts, even when the car has no airbags, are better than those for people who do not wear seatbelts, even if the car’s airbags inflate. In fact, seatbelts are the safest automotive safety feature of all time in terms of the number of fatalities they have prevented.
Driver Assist Technologies Keep You Safe, but They Are No Substitute for Caution
Today’s cars are better than their predecessors at noticing obstacles and helping you avoid them. DMV employees used to flunk student drivers all the time because they didn’t position their heads and bodies just right when driving the car in reverse to back out of a parking space. Today, you can see everything that is right behind your car with a rear-facing camera. Your car’s sensors also tell you when the front or sides of your car are getting dangerously close to an obstacle, and the car will even brake on its own if you do not react quickly enough. None of this is a substitute for your own caution, though; distracted drivers can still cause accidents even in the most cautious cars.
Set Up a Consultation Today
A car accident lawyer can help you file a personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim if you suffered serious injuries in a car accident caused by a distracted driver. Contact Boone & Davis in Fort Lauderdale, Florida or call 954-566-919 to explore your potential recovery options today.