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Whiplash Injury and Your Car Accident Case

By Boone & Davis |

It is a common sight in South Florida.  You go to an elegant brunch at a restaurant at a hotel or country club, perhaps for a special occasion like New Year’s Day or Mother’s Day.  An elderly person attends, dressed in finery but wearing a foam soft collar, which becomes the main subject of… Read More »

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A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You With Your Insurance Claim

By Boone & Davis |

People buy car insurance policies because the law requires it; in Florida, all drivers must carry liability insurance coverage, but some states have even higher minimum requirements than Florida.  If you have ever gotten into a car accident, your first thought was probably a worry that your insurance premiums would get more expensive.  It… Read More »

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Talcum Powder and Product Liability Claims

By Boone & Davis |

One could plausibly argue that a person’s life is bookended by the scent of talcum powder.  We associate it most closely with infants and with the elderly.  There is no right or wrong time in your life to apply powders that protect your skin from excessive moisture and the disease-causing microorganisms that thrive on… Read More »

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The Most Dangerous Intersections in South Florida

By Boone & Davis |

Driving in South Florida is not for the faint of heart.  I-95 and downtown Miami have always been chaos, but decades ago, once you got out of the busiest areas, you could go for a peaceful drive, with nothing but sawgrass as far as the eye could see.  Today, South Florida traffic is a… Read More »

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Safety Standards for Commercial Trucks

By Boone & Davis |

A fast-moving piece of metal filled with gasoline or batteries is a recipe for trouble, and yet that is what automobiles are.  Yes, cars are safe as long as they do not crash, and although safety features such as seatbelts and airbags have reduced the risk of death or catastrophic injury in car accidents,… Read More »

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Family Sues Retirement Community After Fatal Alligator Attack

By Boone & Davis |

You know you have visited Florida when you see an alligator swimming in a lake or canal or lounging by the water’s edge while you are driving on a rural stretch of highway or while you are fishing or canoeing.  You know that you are a Florida resident, however, when you see the same… Read More »

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Driving Under the Influence of Inhalants

By Boone & Davis |

Everyone knows that it is against the law to drink and drive.  Even if a driver suspected of being drunk refuses a breathalyzer test, police can usually make the case that the driver was drunk if they can see open or empty containers of alcoholic beverages in his or her car.  Of course, alcohol… Read More »

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Minor Driving Mistakes That Increase Your Risk of a Collision

By Boone & Davis |

Do driver’s ed teachers nitpick on the smallest mistakes, or are teenagers just hypersensitive to micromanagement?  In either case, you pay attention to all the minute details for long enough to complete driver’s ed, pass the road test, and get your driver’s license, and then quickly fall into the same bad habits that your… Read More »

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Leave Your Social Skills at Home When Dealing With Car Insurance Companies

By Boone & Davis |

If you ask people what is the worst part of trying to get reimbursement from the car insurance company after an accident, they might mention the annoyances of driving a rental car, instead of the old clunker they are used to, while their car is in the shop.  They might mention the phone calls… Read More »

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Reopening a Florida Car Accident Claim

By Boone & Davis |

Most car accident cases don’t end up going to court, but are resolved through negotiations between the injured party and the at-fault driver’s insurer. In these cases, claimants agree to accept a certain amount as a settlement in exchange for giving up the right to file any more legal claims against the insurer. These… Read More »

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