5 Things You Can Do To Prevent Serious Car Accident Injuries

Most of us get into cars without thinking twice about the risks involved, the reality is that driving is one of the most dangerous activities that most of us engage in on a day-to-day basis. While it’s true that there isn’t much we can do about the behaviors of other drivers, there are steps that you can take to help you avoid being the cause of a crash. If, however, despite taking these precautions, you end up injured in a collision, feel free to reach out to our experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident attorneys for help.
Wear Your Seatbelt
One of the best things you can do to prevent serious car accident-related injuries is to always wear your seatbelt. It costs nothing and takes only a few seconds and can dramatically reduce a person’s risk of serious head and internal injuries. In many cases, seatbelts can even keep car accident victims from being ejected from their vehicles completely.
Carry a First Aid Kit
Even when an accident couldn’t have been avoided, taking certain precautions, like carrying a First Aid kit in your car, can help you treat minor injuries and stay safe until help arrives. These kits should include not only basic medical supplies, but also a blanket, change of clothes, water, and reflective pylons and markers. The latter are especially important in helping to prevent further collisions and additional injuries.
Put Loose Objects in the Trunk
While many people don’t realize it, anything loose in a vehicle can quickly become a projectile in the event of collision. In fact, in many cases car accident victims who would have avoided serious injury in an accident, end up sustaining head trauma or lacerations because something in their car was thrown around with great force upon impact, striking them and causing injury. To avoid this, motorists should try to get into the habit of putting all loose items in the truck, or at least securing them so they don’t move around.
Drive Defensively
Defensive driving involves thinking a few steps ahead, which can help drivers maintain focus and reduce distraction. Defensive driving can also, however, play an important role in reducing the seriousness of collisions by giving drivers a crucial few extra seconds to slow down, swerve, or otherwise avoid the crash.
Learn New Driving Skills
It’s been awhile since most of us first obtained our driver’s licenses, so it is often a good idea to brush up on, and even learn new, driving skills. For instance, by learning to drive in certain weather conditions, Florida drivers can lessen their chances of being involved in a crash, or if involved in a collision, can reduce their chances of sustaining a serious injury.
Available Via Phone and Online Message
At Boone & Davis, our dedicated Florida car accident lawyers understand how frustrating it is to be hurt in a crash because of someone else’s carelessness. If you were involved in this type of collision and are seeking compensation for your losses, please call 954-566-9919 for a free consultation today.