Why do I Have to Seek Medical Treatment Within Two Weeks of a Car Accident?

One of the most important things that Florida drivers should know is that if they are involved in a car accident, they need to seek medical treatment as possible. In fact, Florida law actually requires this under the 14 day car accident rule, which gives drivers only two weeks to seek reimbursement from their Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policies for accident-related injuries. This deadline is critical to whether accident victims can recover compensation, especially for those who are involved in accidents with no insurance, as their only recourse may be their own PIP policies. Florida’s car accident-related auto insurance laws are notoriously confusing, so if you were involved in a collision, it is important to reach out to an experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer who can help you navigate the legal system.
14 Day Car Accident Rule
PIP insurers are only required to cover the medical expenses of policyholders if they first seek treatment within two weeks of their crash. Those who fail to comply with this rule, even if it is because they are suffering from delayed symptoms and so didn’t know they were injured, are barred from filing a claim with their own insurer for medical treatment.
Why Seeking Treatment Immediately is Important
Besides being a necessary part of filing a PIP claim after an accident, seeking medical attention as soon as possible after an accident is important for a number of other reasons. Getting medical assistance early, for example, is one of the best ways to keep an injury from worsening and to ensure that a person can begin a course of treatment as soon as possible.
Seeking early treatment also has important repercussions on the strength of a person’s legal claim. Going in for a check-up, for instance, is critical to helping a claimant prove that a particular accident caused an injury. Generally, the longer a person waits to obtain treatment, the more difficult of a time he or she will have proving that the two are connected. Obtaining treatment can also allow physicians to rule out pre-existing conditions as a cause of an accident and can help create a reliable accident-related medical history. These records will also later play an important role in helping establish how much a party should seek in damages.
Contact Boone & Davis for Help with Your Car Accident Case
Going to a doctor as soon as possible after an accident can make a significant difference in the outcome of a car accident claim. This does not mean, however, that a person who waits a few days to seek medical attention, due to the delayed onset of symptoms, is without legal options. For a free evaluation of your own case, please reach out to the experienced Florida car accident lawyers at Boone & Davis today. A member of our legal team is standing by to start helping with your case. To reach us, please call our office at 954-566-9919 or complete one of our brief online contact forms.