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Were You Injured In A U-Turn Accident?


Although u-turns are often legal in Florida, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are safe. The reality is that many people are injured because a driver attempted a u-turn in the wrong place. While fault isn’t often relevant in car accident cases, as Florida is a no-fault state, it could come into play if the injuries sustained by the victim were serious. In these cases, injured accident victims can step outside of the no-fault system and file a claim against the responsible party in court.

What Does Florida Law Say About U-Turns?

In Florida, u-turns are legal as long as they:

  • Don’t interfere with traffic; and
  • The movement isn’t prohibited by posted traffic control signs.

This means that simply making a u-turn doesn’t automatically mean that someone is at-fault for an accident. For instance, the driver making a u-turn would likely not be at fault if the u-turn was legal and:

  • The other driver was speeding prior to the crash;
  • The other driver was swerving or driving aggressively;
  • The other driver was under the influence;
  • The other driver failed to yield the right-of-way;
  • There was a problem with the traffic signals; or
  • A third party’s actions contributed to or caused the crash.

As you can see, determining fault for a u-turn accident is not always clear-cut, but can be a complicated process. In many cases, both of the parties involved could be held liable for causing the accident, in which case, they would each be responsible for covering a portion of the damages equal to their respective degrees of fault in causing the crash. For help investigating the cause of your own u-turn accident, reach out to our legal team today.

When Could a Driver Making a U-Turn be Held Liable for an Accident?

A person attempting a u-turn could be held liable for causing an accident if the u-turn was in the face of oncoming traffic and:

  • The driver misjudged his or ability to complete a turn quickly enough; or
  • The driver misjudged the amount of space needed to complete the u-turn.

In these scenarios, a driver who attempted to make a u-turn and in doing so, caused an accident, could be required to compensate the injured parties for their damages. This, however, is only true if the victim’s injuries qualify as serious under Florida law, or if the injured party’s losses exceed his or her insurance policy coverage.

Call Boone & Davis for Legal Help Today

Florida u-turn accidents tend to be complicated, so if you were involved in this type of crash, the best thing you can do, besides seeking medical attention right away, is to reach out to an experienced Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney who is well-versed in how to navigate Florida’s traffic and personal injury laws. To get started on your own case, call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 and set up a free consultation today.




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