Traumatic Brain Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

Of the many types of injuries that passengers can sustain in car accidents, traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, have some of the most devastating consequences, often requiring lifelong medical care and treatment. Paying for these medical expenses can be difficult, especially for those who are so severely injured that they are unable to return to work, so if you suffered a TBI after being involved in a car crash, it is critical to speak with an experienced traumatic brain injury attorney who can help you seek compensation for your losses.
Proving Causation
One of the most important, and sometimes difficult aspects of a car accident claim is demonstrating causation, which requires plaintiffs to prove that their injuries were directly caused by the actions of the at-fault parties. Meeting this burden usually requires the submission of medical records, proving that an injury was associated with the accident. In fact, providing evidence of the injury itself through documentation of the symptoms is critical to the outcome of this type of case. Such evidence includes medical records that document certain symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, migraines, loss of consciousness, the impairment of cognition and motor skills, seizures, insomnia, memory problems, and mood swings. Evidence of these symptoms can help solidify the link between the trauma suffered in an accident and the resulting injury.
Calculating Damages
Plaintiffs who are injured in car accidents must also attempt to calculate the damages they incurred as a result of their accident. In most cases, the largest amounts will involve medical bills for emergency transportation, diagnostic tests, overnight hospital stays, and treatment. However, it’s also important for plaintiffs to keep clear records of the income that they lost while in recovery, which could entail calculating bonuses, vacation days, and future earnings. Similarly, car accident victims should keep documentation related to the damage sustained to their vehicle, such as repair estimates.
Retaining an Expert Witness
Understanding and explaining TBI damage is a difficult endeavor that sometimes requires a scientific and medical background. For this reason, it is often necessary for plaintiffs to retain an expert witness who can clearly explain the injury and the symptoms that connect the accident to the harm suffered. While most expert witnesses in TBI car accident cases will have medical training, it is also often expedient for the injured party to consult with an expert who has a background in economics and can help with the calculation and explanation of damages. Testimony offered by these types of individuals can play a crucial role in helping a jury understand how a defendant’s actions caused or contributed to an accident.
Contact Our Traumatic Brain Injury Legal Team Today
If you or a loved one suffered head trauma in a car accident through no fault of your own, you could be eligible to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering from the at-fault party. Please contact Boone & Davis in Fort Lauderdale at 954-566-9919 today to speak with an experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer about your legal options.