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The Timeline Of Your Florida Car Accident Case


What a person does after being involved in a car accident is critical to the outcome of an eventual legal case. While the exact steps that someone takes after an accident will vary slightly depending on the severity of the crash and subsequent injuries, as well as the insurance coverage of the parties involved, there are things that accident victims can expect to happen within a certain amount of time. Read on to learn more.

The First Three Days

During the first three days after an accident, the parties involved can expect to become aware of any injuries they have sustained. This is especially true for those who went to the hospital after the crash. In most cases, insurance companies will also reach out to the parties involved in the crash within these three days. Injured parties should be wary of giving too much information to insurers at this point and should work with an attorney before giving a recorded statement, as any details provided at this time can be used against a claimant at a later date.

The First Two Weeks

Florida is a no-fault auto insurance state, which means that accident victims must file claims with their own PIP insurance providers in the event of an accident. These policies cover a portion of a victim’s medical bills and lost wages up to a certain limit, regardless of who caused the crash. However, to qualify for this coverage, an injured party must see a doctor within 14 days of the crash. Those who miss this deadline will likely be denied coverage of their medical bills, at least through their own PIP policy. It is also important for accident victims, in the first two weeks after a crash, to have the damage to their vehicle evaluated and if possible, to begin repairs.

One Month

By the one month mark, an accident victim should have retained legal representation, gotten medical attention, begun treatment with medical professionals, obtained a vehicle repair estimate, and begun working with the at-fault driver’s insurer if the injuries were severe. An attorney can begin negotiations on the claimant’s behalf and if necessary, can even start pursuing litigation by filing a claim in court.

Four Years

Florida car accident victims have four years from the date of their accidents to file personal injury lawsuits. Those who miss this deadline will generally be barred from recovery, so it’s critical to begin the claim filing process much earlier. In fact, the sooner a person starts working with an attorney and insurance adjusters, the more likely his or her claim will be to succeed.

Call Our Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Lawyers

An experienced Florida car accident attorney will be familiar with the timing of a case, ensuring that a lawsuit is filed on time, but also making sure that a claimant receives medical care, a repair estimate, and begins the settlement process in as timely a manner as possible. Call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919, so our dedicated legal team can get started on your case.




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