Road Rash Caused by Motorcycle Accidents

Although there are a number of advantages to using motorcycles for transportation purposes, it is also true that riding a motorcycle comes with a serious risk of injury, as motorcyclists who are run off the road or struck by a passenger vehicle are much more likely to suffer severe injuries. In fact, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles recently reported that motorcycle accidents resulted in as many as 7,725 injuries in 2017 alone.
While the injuries sustained in these types of collisions are wide ranging and include everything from fractures to nerve damage, the most common injury reported by motorcyclists is road rash. To learn more about recovering damages from the person who is responsible for your own motorcycle accident and related injuries, please contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who can address your questions and concerns.
What is Road Rash?
Road rash occurs when the outer layer of a person’s skin is scraped off after coming into contact with a rough surface, such as asphalt. Motorcycle riders who are involved in accidents are much more likely to suffer road rash on certain parts of the body, such as the face, palms, knees, shoulders, and lower legs. While injuries to all of these areas can be painful, road rash on the face can be particularly devastating, as it typically results in serious scarring. Injuries to the shoulders and knees, on the other hand, can lead to restricted mobility, while road rash on the hands can make it difficult to fulfill job duties and perform day to day activities.
Road rash injuries also vary in the seriousness of their consequences. For instance, first degree road rash is the least serious form of the injury, as it typically only involves scrapes, redness, slight bleeding, and bruising. Second degree road rash, on the other hand, occurs when an abrasion actually breaks the skin, which can leave a person open to infection and permanent scarring if debris, such as rocks, glass, or dirt becomes lodged in the wound. Third degree road rash, which is the most serious form of this injury, occurs when an accident results in deep wounds and severe abrasions, even exposing underlying layers of skin, muscles, tendons, nerves, and bones. Third degree road rash injuries are much more likely to result in significant bleeding and come with a higher risk of infection.
Treating Road Rash
Receiving medical treatment can prevent or reduce a road rash victim’s chances of infection, scarring, or disability. Generally, the type of treatment that a road rash victim receives will depend on the severity of the injury. For instance, although most road rash injuries require cleaning, some could also need stitches or even a skin graft. First degree road rashes may only require regular cleaning and monitoring, while second degree road rash may require bandaging and the use of prescription medications. Finally, third degree road rash usually requires surgical intervention, but can still cause permanent nerve damage and scarring.
Contact Our Office Today
To speak with an experienced Fort Lauderdale motorcycle accident lawyer about your own injuries, please call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 today.