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Most Common Causes of Distracted Driving


Driving safely requires many things, including careful planning, compliance with traffic laws, and anticipating danger. One of the most important aspects of safe driving, however, is staying focused on the road. In fact, distracted driving results in more than 1,000 injuries every day in the U.S. and is reported as being a factor in around 25 percent of all fatal car accidents. Motorists who are injured in accidents caused by someone else’s distracted driving could end up saddled with unsurmountable medical debt, especially if they don’t have the ability to pursue an injury claim against the at-fault driver. To ensure that you have the best possible chance of avoiding this fate, please contact a member of our car accident legal team today.

Cell Phone Use

Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest causes of distracted driving in the U.S. is cell phone use, which includes:

  • Talking on the phone, even when using a hands free system;
  • Texting;
  • Checking emails;
  • Browsing online;
  • Viewing notifications; and
  • Using a GPS application.

Recognizing these dangers, Florida recently passed a new law that prohibits drivers from manually using a cell phone or other wireless communication device while driving.

Losing Focus

Driving involves a complex set of ongoing tasks that require the use of mental, visual, and motor skills functions.  Remaining mentally engaged while driving is especially important, as it is critical to ensuring that a driver is able to make observations and then make a reasoned decision based on that information. It becomes much more likely, when we allow our minds to wander or focus on tangential trains of thought, to be involved in a dangerous collision. Even something as innocent as daydreaming or mulling over vacation plans can be dangerous while driving.

Talking to Passengers

While passengers can serve as another set of eyes and ears to a driver, they can also play a role in distracting motorists if they take a driver’s eyes or mind off of the road. Teenagers have proven to be especially vulnerable to these types of distractions, as adolescent brains tend to have more trouble multitasking and are more inclined to engage in social interactions. Unfortunately, this also means that young drivers are more at risk of causing a collision due to distracted driving.

Manual Tasks

Anything that takes a person’s hands off of the wheel when driving can prove dangerous, but the following actions are linked to distracted driving accidents most often:

  • Adjusting audio or temperature controls;
  • Applying makeup or grooming;
  • Looking for dropped items;
  • Attending to young children or pets in the backseat;
  • Eating or drinking; and
  • Smoking.

Tasks that require a person to not only take his or her hands off the wheel, but also to take his or her eyes off of the road are particularly dangerous for motorists.

Call Today to Find Out how a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Sometimes, even those who use the greatest care to avoid distractions while driving could become the victim of another driver’s negligence. If you find yourself in this situation, please don’t hesitate to contact the Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyers at Boone & Davis to learn more about your legal options.


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