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Did Weather Conditions Contribute to Your Accident?


Motorists in Florida are often able to avoid winter weather driving conditions entirely. The current unusual weather episodes occurring across the nation, however, highlight the importance of being prepared for a wide variety of driving conditions. This is especially true in Florida, where increasing traffic and outdated roadway design have led to one of the highest car accident rates in the U.S.

Unfortunately, even careful drivers who take steps to prepare for bad weather conditions could still find themselves involved in an accident if another driver didn’t take such precautions. To learn more about recovering compensation after a car crash that can be attributed, at least in part to the weather, please call an experienced Fort Laduerdale auto accident lawyer today.

Ice Storms

Ice storms and icy roads present drivers with some of the worst driving conditions that a person can encounter. While Florida doesn’t see much snow accumulation, these kinds of weather conditions can and do occur. In fact, a school district in Okaloosa suspended school for two days because of icy roads and sub-freezing temperatures only last month. Drivers who are unfortunate enough to encounter this type of road condition should refrain from hitting their brakes. Instead, drivers who find themselves skidding on ice, should try to steer their vehicle in the same direction as their front tires, at least until they can regain control. Jerking the steering wheel or making similar hasty movements could worsen the situation, causing a vehicle to spin and even veer off the road.

Heavy Rainfall

While Florida rarely sees snow, it does see more rainfall every year than most other states. This often proves unfortunate for drivers, as rain cannot only impair a driver’s visibility, but can also reduce the amount of friction between a vehicle’s tires and the road. The latter can result in hydroplaning and a loss of control by the driver, which can prove devastating for others on the road.

High Winds

High winds are also not unheard of in Florida and can prove dangerous to drivers, especially those who are occupying high profile vehicles. Wide open spaces on bridges and highways often prove the likeliest place to encounter high winds, but these kinds of conditions can occur just about anywhere. High winds can lead to a variety of accidents, but when high profile vehicles are involved, they tend to result in rollover accidents, which are particularly dangerous for occupants.

Recovering Compensation for Your Accident

While no one can control the weather, we can take steps to help avoid weather-related car accidents. Further, those who do not use the appropriate level of care can be held liable for resulting damages. It can, however, be more difficult to hold a driver accountable for negligence in these cases, making it especially important for those who find themselves in this situation to speak with an experienced attorney. To learn more about how our car accident legal team could help with your own civil claim, please call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 today.



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