Mandatory Vehicle Inspections In Florida

Unlike many states, Florida doesn’t require vehicle owners to obtain regular auto emission or safety tests. Unfortunately, this can make it more likely that a dangerous vehicle will find its way onto the road and into the path of an unsuspecting driver. Whether or not a vehicle was properly inspected can have important implications for a legal claim following a car accident, so if you were in a collision with a driver and believe that the cause of the collision was a problem with the other person’s vehicle, you should speak with an experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer who can investigate your case and help you determine fault for the crash.
When are Inspections Required?
Under Florida law, car owners are only required to conduct a safety inspection on their vehicles when:
- They purchase a new vehicle from outside of the state; or
- They purchase a used vehicle in Florida.
In these situations, vehicle owners will need to follow the proper inspection protocols, which includes submitting a copy or physical imprint of the VIN. Car owners, however, who purchased a new vehicle from somewhere in the state, won’t be required to obtain an inspection report, which is deemed the responsibility of the dealership. If a person is found to have circumvented these rules and drove an uninspected and unsafe vehicle, then he or she could be required to compensate anyone who was injured as a result.
Maintaining a Safe Vehicle
While car inspection laws may be a thing of the past in Florida, drivers should still take steps to make sure that their vehicles are safe, including:
- Getting the vehicle checked by a certified mechanic or inspector on a regular basis;
- Checking for recalls;
- Examining their tires for worn tread, bubbles, and tears;
- Checking their brake system once a year for signs of fluid leaks or component wear; and
- Conducting an annual car inspection for signs of problems with the windshield wipers, oil level, headlights, brake lights, turn signals, suspension, exhaust system, and fluid levels.
Taking these precautions can go a long way towards preventing an accident and keeping a driver from being held liable for a crash. If, for instance, someone was driving with inadequate windshield wipers in a rainstorm and caused a crash as a result, he or she could be held liable for a portion of the victim’s damages. If, on the other hand, a problem is deemed to be a design or manufacturing defect, then the company responsible for that error could be held at least partially liable for an accident victim’s damages.
Call Boone & Davis Today
If your car crash was the result of another driver’s failure to properly maintain or inspect his or her vehicle, you could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle damage. For help filing a claim against the party who was responsible for your own collision, please call 954-566-9919 and set up a meeting with the dedicated Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers at Boone & Davis today.