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Nervous System Injuries


One of the best things about your body, and one that you probably take for granted, is how efficiently it repairs itself.  Some tissues in the body repair and regenerate themselves more quickly than others.  For example, skin heals so quickly that you can practically see the results in real time; platelets in the blood rise to the task of making a temporary repair, and then the skin starts regrowing.  If you bite your tongue or the inside of your cheek while chewing, the bleeding will stop by the time you have rinsed your mouth out with water.  If you fall and cut your knee while you are out for a walk, a scab will have begun to form by the time you get home to wash it off.  Nerve tissue heals much less quickly, and some types of nervous system tissue do not regenerate themselves at all.  Therefore, the treatment or management of nervous system injuries can be complex.  If your nervous system injury is the result of a preventable accident caused by someone else’s negligence, contact a Fort Lauderdale auto accident attorney.

The Central Nervous System Is the Worst Body Part You Can Injure

The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system; no other part of the body can function without them.  An accidental injury to the brain is called a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI), depending on its severity.  It is possible to make a full recovery from a mild brain injury, but more severe injuries tend to cause lifelong symptoms, including frequent headaches, memory impairment, vision disturbances, and mood symptoms such as irritability or depression.

Injuries to the spinal cord cause dysfunction, or in the worst cases, paralysis, to the entire body below the site of the injury.  After trauma to the spine, stabilizing the patient to prevent movement, and then prompt treatment with steroids to prevent swelling, can prevent spinal cord damage.  The cells of the central nervous system cannot regenerate, but they can reorganize.  Therefore, with sophisticated treatments, it is sometimes possible for survivors of spinal cord injuries to regain some of the lost function of the affected body parts.

Peripheral Nervous System Injuries Are No Picnic Either

The rest of the nerves of the body are the peripheral nervous system.  A traumatic injury to an arm, leg, hand, or foot injures not only bones and muscles, but also nerves, and even after treatment of the acute injury, the nerves are the slowest to recover.  Sometimes nerve damage can cause complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), where pain and abnormal sensations in the affected body part persist for months or years after the original injury has healed and are more severe than the original injury would suggest.  The only treatment for CRPS is supportive treatment such as physical therapy and muscle relaxants or over-the-counter pain relief medications such as ibuprofen.

Set Up a Consultation Today

A personal injury lawyer can help you if you are suffering from CRPS as a result of an accidental injury.  Contact Boone & Davis in Fort Lauderdale, Florida or call 954-566-919 to explore your potential recovery options today.



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