Mistakes To Avoid After A Slip And Fall Accident

Being involved in a slip and fall accident can be frightening and it’s not uncommon for people in these situations to panic and fail to take the steps that they will need to take to improve their chances of filing a successful claim. We’ve listed a few of the most common mistakes we see when handling slip and fall cases below.
Delaying Medical Care
One of the worst things you can do after a slip and fall accident is to delay getting medical care. Besides delaying diagnosis and treatment, which can have long-term consequences on your chances of physical recovery, failing to get medical care can significantly weaken your claim against the property owner. The other side’s attorneys and insurers will want to see proof that your injury was severe enough to warrant medical care before they approve a claim. The longer you delay obtaining this care, the less seriously your claim for damages will be taken.
Providing a Recorded Statement
Once a slip and fall accident occurs, the liable party’s insurer or legal representative will undoubtedly reach out to you after the incident, seeking an official statement. It is best, however, for you to wait to give this statement until you have obtained your own legal advice. Anything you say in this statement will be permanent and if inaccurate, can end up resulting in the complete dismissal of your case. Even a comment that seems relatively harmless could have dire consequences if twisted by an at-fault party’s insurer in an attempt to avoid liability.
Posting on Social Media
For many of us, posting on social media has become a regular habit, especially when we undergo major life changes, like a serious injury. You should, however, avoid posting on social media about your injury, even to alert your friends and family about the accident. Instead, keep the details of the accident and your injury quiet until you’ve retained an attorney. Posts on social media can be used by insurers and defense attorneys to avoid paying out the full value of a claim. If, for instance, someone posts about the accident, but says something different in a recorded statement, insurers could use this as evidence not of a simple mistake on the part of the injured party, but as proof of an attempt to claim damages for a false or exaggerated injury.
Accepting the First Settlement Offer
Most insurers will try to settle a claim before going to trial in an effort to not only save face, but to save money. Unfortunately, initial settlement offers are often too low, but a claimant may be tempted to accept it simply because he or she is having trouble paying for medical bills and other losses. It’s important to avoid settling too early and to go over any offers carefully with an attorney before accepting one.
Set Up a Meeting Today
Going through the personal injury claim filing process alone can be challenging. Hiring a lawyer who can help you seek a fair and full settlement for your troubles can go a long way towards ensuring that the outcome of your case is positive. If you were injured in a slip and fall accident in Florida, call the dedicated Florida slip and fall lawyers at Boone & Davis for help.