Car Accidents Caused by Right-of-Way Violations

There are some traffic rules that are universally understood. Red traffic lights, for instance, indicate that a driver must come to a full stop. Similarly, drivers should always avoid passing in no-passing zones, and should be careful not to roll through stop signs. Some traffic laws, however, are less clear. Understanding who has the right-of-way at a particular time, for instance, can cause significant confusion when it comes to determining liability for a crash. For help determining who caused your own crash and whether a failure to comply with right-of-way traffic laws contributed to the collision, please reach out to our experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyers today.
What Qualifies as a Right-of-Way Violation?
Right-of-way is a term used in situations where a driver must yield to another individual and allow that person to have priority in making a traffic maneuver. In Florida, there are specific times when motorists must give the right-of-way to a pedestrian, cyclist, or other driver. Similarly, cyclists, pedestrians, and those using other modes of transportation also have an obligation to yield in the presence of drivers in certain situations. Unfortunately, many people are unfamiliar with these right-of-way rules or disregard them entirely, which can have serious consequences for anyone else on the road.
Examples of Right-of-Way Rules
Knowing who has the right-of-way is typically easy at intersections that are controlled by traffic lights and signage. Other situations, however, present a challenge for those who are not familiar with the lesser known right-of-way rules. For instance, when an intersection is not controlled by traffic lights, the right-of-way goes to the driver who arrives at the intersection first. When two vehicles arrive at an intersection simultaneously, on the other hand, it is the driver on the right who is required to yield. Finally, when encountering a T-intersection, the motorist facing the dead end is required to yield the right-of-way to anyone who is traveling on the through street.
Comparative Negligence
It’s important to note that just because a driver failed to yield the right-of-way and caused a collision doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she will be held liable for the entirety of an accident. This is because Florida courts adhere to the legal theory of comparative negligence, under which injured parties, though not barred from recovery if they contribute to an accident, can have their damages awards reduced. If, for instance, an accident victim was speeding through an intersection when another driver failed to yield the right-of-way, he or she can expect any damages award to be reduced to reflect that negligence.
Talk to a Fort Lauderdale Auto Accident Attorney
If you were injured in a crash because another driver failed to yield the right-of-way in violation of Florida traffic law, please contact the experienced lawyers at Boone & Davis by calling our office at 954-566-9919 today to learn more about seeking compensation for your medical bills, property damage, and lost wages.