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Quick Action Prevents Tragic Accident From Claiming Additional Lives

caracc5In a horrific tragedy in Fort Lauderdale one recent evening, two men lost their lives as a result of an accident in which the car in which they were driving caught fire after they crashed into a charter bus filled with students returning from a trip to Tallahassee. The accident occurred right across from a high school where the bus had just dropped off some of the students. As a result of the crash, the bus also started to catch fire and quick-thinking and even quicker-acting adults rushed to get the rest of the students off the bus. They also attempted to get the two men out of the burning car; sadly, both of the men died, but only the bus driver and one student suffered only minor injuries as a result of the incident.

Good Samaritans – Protected By Florida Law

Thankfully, in this case, witnesses to the accident did not delay in helping to get people out of harm’s way and it is likely that their collective quick action prevented further injuries or even tragedies. So often, however, people who witness an accident may be hesitant to help or get involved in any way out of fear that they could be held responsible if things go wrong. Florida law protects those who spring to action to help an injured person; known as the Good Samaritan Act, and set forth in Code Section 768.13 the law states that a person who gives emergency care or treatment to someone in an emergency situation will not be held liable for any damages that may result from the care they have provided in good faith without objection by the victim. Additionally, the Good Samaritan Act applies equally to ordinary laypeople as well as those who are licensed to practice medicine.

Must I Offer Aid To Accident Victims?

In general, the law does not require anyone to provide assistance to accident victims. However, in certain cases, the law does require specific people to stay at an accident scene to render aid as needed and punishes those who fail to do so; hit and run accidents in which individuals involved in and causing accidents do not stick around to help the victims occur far too frequently in Florida as in so many other places. Laws regarding hit and runs take that basic Good Samaritan concept a bit further.

Do You Have Questions Regarding Personal Injury And Accident Cases?

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of an accident, you may have questions about what options you may have to seek compensation for your injuries. The legal system can be complicated and laws difficult to interpret – but assistance is only a phone call or click of the mouse away. The legal professionals at Boone & Davis are here to help you understand your rights and responsibilities with respect to any type of personal injury or accident matter. Our Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys will assess your case and provide information about all of your available options. Just give us a call at 954.556.5260 or visit us online and make a your no cost, no obligation appointment today.



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